Can you offer Fudge a new home?

Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Colour: Ginger
Sex: Male
Age: 11 years 2 months.
Time with us: 8 weeks.

This handsome senior is Fudge! He originally joined us with another cat called Luna, but they had decided they no longer wanted to be friends and are much happier apart. Fudge is a really sweet chap. He's confident around people and isn't shy about approaching. He does love a fuss, but is most excited around food... sometimes he makes us question if he had even been fed!!

Fudge could tolerate living with another cat if there was plenty of space. He could live with cat-savvy children based on a meet, we do not know how he is with dogs. Fudge could either be indoor only with enough space, or be given the opportunity to secure outdoor access.

If you'd be interested in adopting Fudge, please feel free to fill out an application form or call us to enquire.'

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A Picture of Fudge


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A Picture of Fudge


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A Picture of Fudge


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A Picture of Fudge


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