Making a real difference

Leaving a gift in your will to the RSPCA Burton upon Trent & District Branch will create a lasting legacy to help build a better future for the animals of our local community.

Hillfield Animal Home is your local branch of the RSPCA and is an individually registered charity. This means that we rely on the kind donations and legacies left to us in order to stay open and, hopefully, improve the animal home. 

The RSPCA Burton upon Trent is now into its 30th year at Hillfield Lane and is in drastic need of improvement. We are aiming to launch a rebuild project that will help us to create a more modern environment that will ensure that an animal’s stay here is comfortable, enriching and based upon the latest best practices in animal welfare.

Members of the community leaving a gift in their will has provided the majority of the funds for maintenance and improvements at the animal home. Our intention is to use all legacies going forward to fund a rebuild of our animal home and create a webpage here for you to follow our progress.

How to leave a gift in your will

We would always recommend that you consult a professional when writing or adding to your will to ensure that you use the correct wording to make sure that your wishes are carried out in the correct way.

A solicitor can help you decide what kind of gift you’d like to leave in your will. There are 3 main types of legacy gift; 

  1. A share of your assets. This is a percentage of your estate and one of the easier ways to add to an existing will.
  2. Leaving a fixed sum of money known as a pecuniary gift.
  3. Leaving a specific item of value, also known as a specific bequest 

The amount you leave in your will does not need to be a large amount, every penny counts and RSPCA Burton is an individually registered charity responsible for raising its own funds. We are just a ‘branch’ of the RSPCA so it is important that if you would like to leave a gift in your will to us as your local branch, that we are correctly identified in your will. Our details are: RSPCA Burton upon Trent & District Branch, Hillfield Lane, Stretton, Burton upon Trent, DE130BN. Registered charity number 232234.

If you need any help, or have any questions at all about remembering us in your will please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01283 569165 or email